

gallery chosun
gallery chosun
Address 125 Sogyeok-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea
Opening hours 10:00 am - 07:00 pm Tue~Sun
Closed Every Monday
Tel 82- 2 - 723 - 7133
Fax 82- 2 - 723 - 7135
URL www.gallerychosun.com
E-mail info@gallerychosun.com
Space Type Gallery
Member artists
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Introduction Gallery Chosun exhibits young artists introducing diverse flow of Korean contemporary art. Furthermore, Gallery Chosun introduces young artists to the world stage participating global art fairs including Art Cologne, Miami Basel art fair. Gallery Chosun now reopened in the current address, 125 Sogyeok dong, Jongno gu, Seoul, leading Korean visual culture with creative rising artists. As a communicating stage covering various mediums and genres, Gallery Chosun is marching with global perspective breathing with the public.
제목 작성일
FEAST digital exhibition 2009.10.01~2009.10.01
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