

N gallery
N gallery
Address 52 Seohyun-Dong, Bundang-Gu, Seongnam-Si, Gyeonggi - Do 463-820, Korea
Opening hours 10:00 am - 06:00 pm Tue~Sun
Tel 82- 70 - 7430 - 3323
Fax 82- 31 - 703 - 5201
URL www.ngalleryart.com
E-mail info@ngalleryart.com
Space Type Gallery
Member artists
Location Map
Introduction N GALLERY which is located at Bundang Yooldong Park having beautiful scenes was established in January 2008 in attempts to provide connection between artists and the general public by offering diverse art pieces. N GALLERY seeks to contribute to both the development of Korean culture of art and the internalization of Korean art through hosting exhibitions of various well-known Korean artists and a large-scale international art exhibition as well as a series of overseas exhibitions. Looking forward to better scope the ancient and contemporary art as a whole, N Gallery plans to far exceed the very meaning of a style or genre of art by offering private views of the masterpieces of the deceased world-famous artists and offering diversely-themed exhibitions to selected individuals In doing so, N Gallery looks forward to having the best and the brightest experts in every field of art as the members of the advisory committee and create the exhibition plan on the basis of a profound understanding of the ancient and contemporary art.
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