

Changhwan Park , 27 Jul - 11 Aug, 2012, Gallery GAHOEDONG60. Jul 26 2012

The work titled as ‘Floating’ signifies a progression of newly fabricated identity. This procedure involves in various stages of drift, dissolvableness and deconstruction of the heterogeneous entities such as philosophy, culture, religion and ethnics over being and time.

For globalization implements a tremendous amount of aberrant interminglement with rootless cultural variations, the traditional Korean heritage is subsequently induced to fade away into this vaguely adjusted metamorphosis.

Background image implies blurred Minhwa (decorative practical paintings produced by amateur painters). Minhwa conveys ordinary well wishes of hope, fecundity, harmony, longevity and prosperity here on the contrary Minhwa becomes indistinct merely illustrating its gapped nature between globalised realities and conventional ideologies.

Thus the significance of such ingenuous traditional dogma grows to be more and more surreal as it is slowly withdrawing from the reality.

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