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The opening, The 53rd International Art Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia

/ 2009

ON-AIR Project_Washington D.C.- 10000

/ 2008

ON-AIR Project 210-1, The Paris Series, Avenue des Champs-Elysees

사진 / 8시간 노출 / 2008

ON-AIR Project 200-5, The Berlin Series, Brandanburg Gate

사진 / 8시간 노출 / 2008

ON-AIR Project 190-7, The Prague Series, Krizovnicka, eight-hour exposure

사진 / 2008

ON-AIR Project 153-1, The Monologue of Ice Series, Parthenon

사진 / 2008

ON-AIR Project 150-4, The China Series, Tiananmen Square in Beijing

사진 / 8시간 노출 / 2007

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