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magnifying lens, medical tray, mirror, pencil, pincette, hinges and plywood from desk, iron frame and leather straps from swiss army backpack, aluminium, rivets, screws, bolts, nuts, wheels, skateborad part / 54.5x143x84cm / 2010

Orange Deer

acrylic on resin, lacquer on MDF, aluminium, leather straps, color plastic sheet, rivets, screws / 197x144x65.5cm / 2010

Mirror Canopy

convex mirrors, chair, aluminium, leather straps, swiss army backpack part, pulley, clear plastic hose, vodka, clamps, rivets, screws, bolts, nuts, stainless steel wires / 158x150x100cm / 2010

Fish Eye Gear

magnifying lenses, clear plastic, aluminium, leather straps, rivet, chemical protective clothing / 가변크기 / size variable / 2010

Eye Trace

퍼포먼스 / 2010

Eye Trace

퍼포먼스 / 2010

Eye Trace

퍼포먼스 / 2010

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