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배준성 작품 총5

작가정보 페이지로

The Costume of Painter-Maurice quentin de La Tour 070802

비닐에 유채,비닐에 인화 /210x154cm /2010

The Costume of Painter - Museum L , new still life with bread

캔버스에유화,렌즈 /193.9x259.1cm /2007

The Costume of Painter - Museum K , Vermeer flower, milk,

캔버스에유화,렌즈 /193.9x259.1cm /2007

The Costume of Painter - Museum H , W.house boat ds

캔버스에유화,렌즈 /227.3x181.8cm /2007

The Costume of Painter A.Pierre Cot 071003

비닐에 유채,비닐에 인화 /215x154cm /2007

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